
VMA 2011: Dark Sparkles

After watching the VMA's last Sunday, I gotta say I was a little disappointed with the show.  Even though the sound/production/stage were outstanding, the performances and logistic were kinda boring, with lots of commercials.  My favorite part from the night was the Amy Winehouse tribute in which Bruno Mars did an amazing performance dedicated to Amy [ watch here ].  Now, talking about fashion, most of the outfits were dark/sparkly colors, some of them with a touch of lace.  

I'm sharing my favorites:

[ Demi Lovato ]

[ Katie Holmes ]

[ Selena Gomez ]

[ Louise Roe ]

[ Holland Roden ]

[ Victoria Justice ]
[ Images via MTV.com ]

12 comentarios:

  1. Katie Holmes is definitely my favorite! ox

  2. Yeah totally agree with you about the show although I loved Beyonce's appearance too as well as Kanye's with Jay-Z. As for the fashion, I have already done a post but I loved Demi Lovato, Victoria Justice, mom-to-be Beyonce who was so pretty and sweet, Zoe Saldana. I didn't love Katie Holmes, I mean the dress is pretty, the shoes are amazing but they are just an everyday option. x


  3. They all look wonderful, but especially I like Louise's dress!
    Great post!)


  4. I love Victoria Justice, she's adorable. and dunno why Katie Holmes was there hahaha but she looked great too!

  5. I like them all.


  6. My favorite was Demi's dress, Victoria's dress was gorgeous too...but it is a bit too short for my taste..I am 30 after all ;)

  7. katie holmes looks hot. now, that's not a common sentence, in my vocabulary.


  8. I didn't watch the VMA's personally, but I watched a variety of performances on youtube that were performed, and I think the VMA's were definitely a success.
    As for the fashion, I did a post myself about the fashion during the event and like a review of the fashion choices, so if you want to see that, then visit here;
    (: Lovely post.


  9. I'm not a Katie Holmes fan at all, but even I can't deny she looks fabulous here. Best outfit she's ever worn, I think. :)

  10. Demi Lovato and louise Roe are my favorites! The VMA's is always pretty disappointing fashion-wise.



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