Ever since I remember, I've always imitated my mom. She's always been my biggest inspiration for everything, even for beauty products. So since very little, I've watch my mother use the Elizabeth Arden line and she always tells me how good and effective the face creams and masks are. That's why my favorite face mask is the Elizabeth Arden Deep Cleansing Mask.
I know, I'm only 25 and you may think this brand is only for mature ladies, but there's no other mask that leaves my skin so soft, moisturized and REALLY CLEAN as this baby. It even adds a glow to my face that makes me feel refreshed and new. I recently was told it was discontinued. We have a problem cause my bottle is almost empty.
I know, I'm only 25 and you may think this brand is only for mature ladies, but there's no other mask that leaves my skin so soft, moisturized and REALLY CLEAN as this baby. It even adds a glow to my face that makes me feel refreshed and new. I recently was told it was discontinued. We have a problem cause my bottle is almost empty.
[ image via Google Images ]
What would you do if one of your favorite products was discontinued?
Tell me about a good face mask you use!
Hay un producto llamado Artistry essentials Polishing Scrub que si lo descontinuan yo me muero, porque me ha ayudado mucho a aclarar las manchas del acne.
ResponderBorrarA Little Awkward
I finally found the best ever hair cream...and they discontinued it. Sooooo frustrating. I wanted to phone them up and beg them to send me their excess stock!!
ResponderBorrarI feel your pain!!
la verdad es que debería usar más mascarillas... creo que me moriría si me faltase un producto del que dependiese, pero mirándolo por el lado positivo así podrás experimentar qué tal te va con otras marcas y alomejor encuentras otra mascarilla que te guste más... quién sabe, besitos guapa
ResponderBorrarOh no, it's discontinued! I think you should go buy every last one on the shelf. Thanks for telling me about this particular mask, but I'll be disappointed too if I can't find it either anymore
ResponderBorrarsi tengo q ser sincera, soy bastante descuidada en cuanto a cremas y cuidados faciales, debería cuidarme mas la piel, x eso la tengo horrible! jajaja
ResponderBorrarun besoitee
what are you gonna do now teresa? i haven't used a face mask in years. i probably should, but i doubt that'll happen.
ResponderBorrarTere te recomiendo que vayas a Walgreens donde todavia quedan y si necesitas mas informacion me avisas y hacemos lo necesario para conseguirla! Despues te cuento por que... Elizabeth Arden es excelente para el cuidado de la piel. Lo que sucede es que esta dirigida a impactar necesidades mas complejas de la piel, como son el envejecimiento, arrugas, resequedad, etc. es mas bien reparadora que preventiva. Es maravilloso que te cuides la piel desde temprana edad, creeme que veras recompensa! xoxo
gracias por tu recomendación chica!!! i'll try it! :)