
A very BUSY week behind

Yes, I'm alive.
 I'm just busy finishing my thesis. 
This week was really intense cause it was not only the thesis, in the middle of that was the visit from the owner of Jenny (where I work) to the country.  A lot of work and a lot to do.  But I'll finally be free next Monday after 12:00 p.m.!  I'm glad to say that my posts will be daily again... YAY!


stiff/bold nacklace.
I had one in my hands when I was in Spain and didn't buy it!
I regret it cause they are so gorgeous and I have a few simple blouses that would go so perfect with one of these.
[ necklace from GoJane.com ]


I love when my readers answer to comments I leave in their blogs, It feels like a having an eternal conversation with people from other countries!
There are a few followers that always answer my questions and comments and this week I received a quick responce from Jamie:

jamie said...
she is Amazing! i love these photos you chose to use... and in response to the comment you made on my last post, lol youre so right!! i never noticed that haha! but i have changed my default photo and the layout of my blog a little bit so the photo is no longer there lol i hope you have a great week! x jamie

No words, this video is too much!  
I got goose bumps at the end and I love Diego Luna!

Have a great weekend,

9 comentarios:

  1. I have a few crew neck tees (and I WILL have a few more) that would look fantastic with a thick collar necklace like the one you've featured. Imagine this: tee, the necklace, and a maxi skirt in the summer.

    The one you have here is beautiful. Don't worry about not getting it because there's always forever 21 :)

  2. ay, estoy deseando que vuelvan a ser diarios tus posts!!! es increible el colgante, me encantaaaa!!! Suerte con tus trabajos, q salgan perfectos, es lo importante!!!


  3. teresa, just imagine how much free time you're going to have when your thesis is finished? hooray & celebration is right around the corner, on your horizon. very beautiful i never heard it before katy perry song. :)

  4. that necklace is so beautiful!


  5. Enjoy your weekend Teresa. I had no idea that you are working on your Masters! I thought you were working full time and just that, but I am hoping the thesis will be done soon.

  6. Good luck finishing your thesis! I'm also finishing up the first part of my senior project for school..can't wait until I'm finally free as well.

    I agree with what you said about comments from readers - that's one of the reasons why I love discovering new blogs..it's like peeking into the lives of people from all around the world

  7. So in love with that song!!! I can't stop playing it over and over and over again..LOL..

    Gorgeous necklace girl.

    <3 Marina


ur turn to write♥

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